Someone Has to Die

The piling up on Mr Trump is so obvious that my sense of honor requires that I vote for him. The grotesque sentences imposed on the supposed organizers of the January 6th masquerade reinforces again this sentiment.

Yet, the time is past when we can give Mr Trump the benefit of the doubt on Ukraine. I think he will abandon that country under the guise of making peace. His peace will consist in abandoning to Russia the Crimea and most of southern Ukraine. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians will have died in vain. The world will not be rid of the pestilence that is Putin. The alliance between Russia and China will be stronger than it was was before Russia invaded Ukraine. America will have demonstrated again to the world its lack of fortitude.

My concern for the Ukraine should dictate that I vote for Mr Biden because he has done more or less the right thing on that front, except for a certain slowness. Of course, I am horrified at the thought. Besides the fact that he is not in charge of his administration because of his obvious dementia. I dislike all the policies that he did not implement, beginning with the atrociously named Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

The situation is so bad that I am reduced to hoping that one of the two men must die before I have to vote again so other candidates will emerge. Fortunately, they are both within range. (Oh, and I am too.)

About Jacques Delacroix

I write short stories, current events comments, and sociopolitical essays, mostly in English, some in French. There are other people with the same first name and same last name on the Internet. I am the one who put up on Amazon in 2014: "I Used to Be French: an Immature Autobiography" and also: "Les pumas de grande-banlieue." To my knowledge, I am the only Jacques Delacroix with American and English scholarly publications. In a previous life, I was a teacher and a scholar in Organizational Theory and in the Sociology of Economic Development. (Go ahead, Google me!) I live in the People’s Green Socialist Republic of Santa Cruz, California.
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2 Responses to Someone Has to Die

  1. kamprint says:

    Everything that is being done to Donald Trump, to the J6 detainees (some of whom were never tried), and to everyone whose professional license has been removed for wrongthink, could be done to any of us. In reality, that is the intentional message — to scare everyone into blind conformity. Unfortunately that is also the case with the U.S./EU/NATO war against Russia, using Ukrainians as cannon fodder. Whatever Mr Putin’s virtues or lack thereof, this is a war to carve up Russia, and not so incidentally to feed billions of dollars into the coffers of Raytheon, Lockheed, and that Potemkin village of anonymous Defense contractors that has gathered around Washington and environs. The notion that this war was ever about the territorial integrity of Ukraine is too absurd to bear the slightest scrutiny. That avatar of Ukrainian Nazis, the former comedian Mr Zelensky, has blithely sacrificed 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers. Oh, and he just purchased a house in Egypt for $5M. In case he has to flee. That’s in addition to his other houses in Italy, Slovenia, Miami Beach, and who knows where else. How much Western money goes to him, and how much to the Defense industry, must have been a pretty negotiation to watch. I wasn’t there, but I’ll tell you how the negotiation went: ‘Why should we quarrel amongst ourselves? Just get the Fed to print more Dollars, tell the Congress to appropriate them, and tell that demented fool in the White House to sign them over. Surely there’s enough for all of us.’ Crimea has been part of Russia for 300 years, and Sevastopol remained a Russian naval base even for the brief time Crimea was part of Ukraine. There’s no chance whatsoever that it would be given to any NATO regime in Kiev. The looming problem for both Zelensky and his sponsor in the White House is where to escape to when the people have had enough of either or both of them. Let’s leave that for another post, shall we?

  2. A house in Egypt? What a strange thing to do. Tell us more.

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