An Unprecedented Crime?

In the pursuit of avoiding a repeat of the October 7th Hamas atrocities, Israel is shooting and bombing among Palestinians, at close quarters and in an enclosed space. I believe the latter situation is completely new. In the past, for all of history, civilians had the option to get out of the line of fire. Not today, in Gaza. I don’t believe Israel does it on purpose but it is in fact severely restricting the Gazans’ ability to simply get away. This look a lot like collective punishment which is both immoral and, I think, illegal.

After posing for seventy years as the guarantor that Jews everywhere will never be again ill-treated, Israel failed miserably on October 7th. I think I understand the Israelis’ fury, and even their fear but, corralling Gaza civilians in the zone of severe fighting looks to me like an unprecedented crime. I fear that it will soon make Israel into a pariah state among the civilized nations.

PS There is a solution to this conundrum that I described in a preceding posting.

About Jacques Delacroix

I write short stories, current events comments, and sociopolitical essays, mostly in English, some in French. There are other people with the same first name and same last name on the Internet. I am the one who put up on Amazon in 2014: "I Used to Be French: an Immature Autobiography" and also: "Les pumas de grande-banlieue." To my knowledge, I am the only Jacques Delacroix with American and English scholarly publications. In a previous life, I was a teacher and a scholar in Organizational Theory and in the Sociology of Economic Development. (Go ahead, Google me!) I live in the People’s Green Socialist Republic of Santa Cruz, California.
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